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Tri Color S Line

Tri-Color “S” Yarn Series

One of the most innovative and popular lines of artificial grass in the industry, the TRI-COLOR “S” Series line of products features four distinct constructions that can be utilized for numerous applications. It features an S-shaped face fiber that is present in 3 different shades of green. The fibers have heat reduction technology, and the product utilizes BioCel polyurethane coating with antimicrobial additives.

Dual Color Mini W Line

Dual-Color Mini “W” Yarn Series

The DUAL-COLOR MINI “W” Series product line features an 1,100 denier per filament, W-shaped face fiber that provides great resiliency. The delustered fiber has very little sheen, and the product has approximately 40% more fiber filaments per square yard than similar products using 1,800 denier per filament yarns. The DUAL-COLOR MINI “W” Series products also feature heat-reduction technology, antimicrobial additives, and soy-based, BioCel polyurethane.

Dual Color S Line

Dual-Color “S” Yarn Series

The DUAL-COLOR “S” Series product line features an 1,200 denier per filament, S-shaped face fiber that provides great resiliency. It is a darker green than both the TRI-COLOR “S” and DUAL-COLOR MINI “W” Series, providing an aesthetic similar to grasses found in the Northwest and Southeast. The delustered fiber has very little sheen, and the product has approximately 40% more fiber filaments per square yard than similar products using 1,800 denier per filament yarns. The DUAL-COLOR “S” Series products also feature heat-reduction technology, antimicrobial additives, and soy-based, BioCel polyurethane.

Omega Yarn Series

Omega Yarn Series

The Omega products are a more typical yarn type, featuring an omega-shaped fiber that is the traditional 1,800 denier per filament. It features a blend of olive and apple fiber colors, and features heat-reduction technology, antimicrobial additives, and soy-based, BioCel polyurethane.